Effective and Safe Appetite Suppressants.

Prescription appetite suppressants, may be prescribed for short-term use as part of an overall weight reduction program that also includes dieting, exercise, and counseling.

Learn about Appetite Suppressants

Appetite Suppressants at RCMC Medical Center in Rancho Cucamonga, Hesperia, and Banning.

Appetite suppressants work by stimulating the central nervous system, which increases your heart rate and blood pressure and decreases your appetite.​

A prescription appetite suppressant is for use only by individuals whose BMI is greater than 30 or a BMI greater than 27 who have an underlying medical condition—such as diabetes, high blood pressure, or high cholesterol—that could lead to serious medical problems.

How Appetite Suppressants works:

Each patient is medically evaluated to determine if a prescription appetite suppressant is right for their weight loss treatment and will require strict follow up and continued evaluation throughout their weight loss journey.

Losing weight and keeping it off can reduce the many health risks that come with obesity, including heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and many more, includingt a shorter life.

Contact us today for a medical weight loss evaluation.

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